Friday 3 November 2017

Try Try again!

I've ended up not really do my blog but the past month has taught me sometimes it's nice to get things out there even if no one reads or comments!!!!

Our Allotment is like a persistent thorn in my side. We have had some good produce from it but still the amount of work that needs to go into the digging over means only a third is in use. This means we constantly get complaints...about the weeds, about the condition, etc etc.

I'm not a mother so I won't blame children for my idleness. But I do have my reasons for being a super slacker!!

1) I am very very disorganised and I find it incredible hard to set up systems and processes to keep things ticking along.

2) I work stupid hours. If you want more of an idea of the kind of work I do see or look at our new TYS-early help video

3) I am a carer. Without getting into too many details I have my own mental health and that of others to worry about. I have family members with ailments and disabilities and I'm a sucker for saying no!

4) I am Lazy!

What I want vs what I can be bothered to do are two completely different things and the benefits do not our weigh the costs! I love yoga but if I had to pick between it and chocolate cake... you get my point.

What I need to do right now for the next 6 days is come to a decision. Do I really want this?

Do I want to have a beautiful perfect allotment that I can be proud out? Do I care enough to slave away when I can find free time? Do I want to sit on my fat arse and watch TV and eat Aldi chocolate ganache? (it is amazing to be fair!) What do I want?

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